Monday, October 1, 2007

Marketing (in the form of advertising) affects who it affects...

Words following this statement might be something like this:
No, Really...
Wow, That's deep (with a hint of sarcasm)...

But it is so true and simple that we (especially myself) forget about it.

I was with my mom watching television last week and we saw an Alltel (cell provider) commercial that has the 4 guys (they represent the other cell phone companies) and "Chad" (from Alltel). The four guys always do something silly or stupid to make Alltel look like a better company. My mom loves these commercials (absolutely loves them...) and I...not so much.

So, I think to myself that this commercial is a waste of time and money and that if I were to do it, I would do them it a different way (I don't everything about commercials, but I know my own tastes and what effects me). The interesting part is that my mom loves it the way it is, maybe my way wouldn't effect the people that it currently does in a positive way.

Using myself and my views as a basis to judge whether all marketing is good or bad, is an incomplete way of looking at it. I need to view it (marketing) from other's points of view (my mom and people like her), as well as from my own. This combined point of view is the middle ground that every non niche company tries to find. It requires more work and is more time consuming, but it is the area that I need to be shooting for.

What I learned:
1. Look into marketing deeper (my own, other company's and individual's)
2. Don't judge what works or doesn't off of 30 seconds of thought (I need to push myself to grow).
3. Don't forget about the customers / partners / investors that don't think like me!

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