Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Keep Innovating...

Have you ever thought of a great idea, service, product revision, a new way to thank your customers, or things that could make your business grow? You might have been on your way to the coffee shop before work, or sitting around your kitchen table in the morning and it hits you... You just came up with an idea, that if implemented, might bring a revival to your job or current company your with. You rush into work or pick up the phone just to talk to someone from your organization that might care and help with the initiative. You spill it all out on the table, every little detail... ...and you ask, So, What do you think?... You give a long blink as if you know what you are already going to hear. And here it comes... ...That is an interesting idea, but... But What? Why does there always have to be that "but"? Why are "the people in charge" the ones that are scared of change and growth? Was it in our presentation? Did they not see the benefit and the little sacrifice that it would take to do things a little differently?

All of these questions rush through your mind, while at the same time you feel like you wasted some life force and creative energy on a company that doesn't appreciate growth or their employees/members thoughts.

A person can only be rejected a few times within the same organization before he/she loses any motivation to help with change. The only thing that the business is hurting by not considering every idea it hears, is itself. If a business isn't trying to improve itself, then why not take your improvements somewhere else, where they might be appreciated, or maybe given some consideration. Wouldn't it feel nice to have someone tell you, "Wow, that is a sweet idea, let's see if we can use that somewhere". Even if it wasn't implemented exactly as you thought, you helped create that change, you are one of the important people in the business, your thoughts matter.

Don't lose that creative edge, or your problem solving abilities because your current organization is lazy and scared. These traits will be what takes you where you want to go professionally. Keep innovating...

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