Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Has anyone heard of a successful telemarketer? I've always wondered if that was a way to make a career.

I'm not sure, but I can think of a couple of things that would most likely help their cause...

1. Practice, Practice, Practice... If I am a telemarketer, and I am calling someone I have never called before, I would practice saying their name before I dialed their #. This would probably be a starting place anyway.

2. Memorize the script before call your potential client. Seriously, how hard is it to know what you are going to say in a round about way instead of reading every word off of a script.

3. Ask for the person your calling by their first name. Why would you ask for the person you are calling by their full name? When I call a buddy (which is probably what you want to sound like your doing), I ask for him by his first name. Because we are on a first name basis, not strangers, wouldn't they want that impression also?

4. When you do finally get me on the phone, use salesman ship 101. Tell me what I am going to get out of this. Don't tell me about your company, I DON'T CARE!!! I want to know how your product, service, or idea will benefit myself and my company.

5. The Most Important things... ...Have something worth my time and yours (and say it like you believe in the product, so I will), or you might have just as well had that robot call me, you know, the one I hang up on within 1 second of hearing "Hi this is John, with second source..." ...CLICK.

Good Luck Mr. Telemarketer, I hope you make many riches off of this advice.

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