Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm keeping track of it...and I LOVE it!

It is amazing, I purchased a little memo book. No, really it actually has the word "MEMO" in gold foil on black vinyl. I purchased it for an outlet of any idea I might have, and it works. I put it in my back pocket and whenever I think of something I want to write down, I do. Later, I look at it and I remember what I was thinking and I expand upon the ideas. Who would've guessed that something so simple could make my life so much easier and allow me to be more creative? Probably, anyone else that owns a memo pad.

That is why I'm blogging about this. Learn from my experience, buy a memo pad if you want to remember creative things, write down blog ideas, make doodles, or get someones email address, etc. Now the fun part is trying to remember to carry a pen...

Have fun memoing...

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